Bumblebee Debuts on Transformers Save Crawlers This Saturday

This arriving Sunday, September 7, at 11:30 AM ET on The Hub, everyone's preferred yellow-colored autobot creates his Transformers Save Crawlers first appearance in the show “Bumblebee to the Rescue”, in which Bumblebee chooses to pay the Save Crawlers an surprising check out, just in time to help them examine a strange meteor.
If Bumblebee’s first appearance is not enough for you, Sunday also performs coordinator to new periods of Health care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot and Kaijudo: Increase of the The multiple Masters: In Health care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot, the show “Shunshine” discovers Funshine experiencing his big win in the Health care Bearathon, leading to him sensation that he must defeat every individual keep at everything. On Kaijudo: Increase of the The multiple Experts, the first aspect of “Into the Fire” discovers Allie kidnapped by a monster from the Flame Society, while a strange unfamiliar person allows Ray, Bob, and Gabe rescue her and another monster being organised by Master Skycrusher.


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